Stereo Movie Viewer 2.17 minor update

07 Jun 2011

What is new:

  • Minor user interface improvements, including - XP/Win7- styled controls
  • Frame-by-frame movement by moving of mouse
  • Restructuring of application menu
  • Fixed bug

Minor user interface improvements, including - XP/Win7- styled controls


Now program and its controls has modern style of XP/Win7.

Frame-by-frame movement by moving of mouse


It is possible to scroll movie frames-by-frame with mouse. Hold on mouse button over the movie and just move a mouse from left to right or from right to left.

The old method of movie's scrolling by mouse wheel still works also.

Restructuring of application menu


The menu of application is restructured.

Menu Scaling moved to menu View.

Option Translate moved to menu File.

Fixed bug


Fixed bug of small imperfections of Direct-X visualization.

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