Oxygen D-Z download

Oxygen D-Z


Versions of Oxygen are locked software.

Oxygen D-Z is a software for D to Z color estimation and enhancing value while planning/optimizing.

Oxygen D-Z home page


Oxygen D-Z is an installation program for Windows (198 Mb). The installation should be run with an administrative account.

With the Oxygen software you may see the following messages during the program start:

1) Unable to access HASP SRM Run-time Environment. You may need install newer hasp device driver.
Solution: Download and update the hasp device drivers from the section below.

2) Feature not found. You may need to update hasp key firmware (H0031).
Solution: Please update the hasp key firmware using the update utility. Before starting firmware update process please close all the programs and any special tools that may affect the normal work of the hasp usb device driver.

HASP Driver


If you installOxygen D-Z 3.12.1 build 1303 beta first time please also download and install the Hasp HL driver (ver. 8.51).

HASPUserSetup.exe (23,2 Mb) - Hasp HL device driver installation program for Windows.The installation should be run with an administrative account